Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 1

Anne took us around Berlin this morning. We planned on waking up at 8am, but our alarm didn´t wake us up, hopefully this isn´t a recurring theme. We´re going to try setting two alarms and maybe we will actually get up on time.

We started by walking through "Little Turkey,"apparently there´s a large Turkish population around Berlin. We moved on to some of the better known areas in the city. It´s been 20 years since the Berlin wall came down in November 1989 and there are many exhibits around the city to remember the event. We visited some of these exhibits and were able to learn some of the history that lead up to the breaking of the wall. Some of the sights we saw were the Berlin world clock, the famous TV tower, the St. Marie Cathedral, a really cool poseidon fountain. After getting some delicious gelatto and doing a little more sightseeing, Anne was tuckered out. So we went on without her.

There was an Anne Frank memorial in Hackescher Market that we went through before surprising Fan at her apartment (Fan is a classmate of Karin´s). She was busy preparing a project presentation so we didn´t hang out for long, but she was able to give us some great tips on what to do with the rest of our day. We ate in Little Turkey and some amazing hummus and pita bread and a yummy chicken and rice dish. After dinner, we went the the East Side Gallery which is where the longest strip of the Berlin wall still remains in tact. Every year they choose different artists to paint different sections of the wall. It´s interesting to see all of the different kinds of art. It took us a while to get back to the main section of Berlin and by the time we got back to the apartment we´re staying at it was already almost 10:30 and we´re beat and heading to bed.

We´re currently experiencing technical difficulties in uploading the photos, so we´ll just have to upload them as soon as we can.

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