Sunday, September 13, 2009


Our last day in Munich was a quite one. We went to the park and had a picnic and read our books. We had heard of the English Gardens in Munich from books and people who had gone and heard it was a nice place to walk through, so we figured we would go find them. Our map seemed to have a certain area in a very large park assigned as the English Gardens, so we started walking towards that. We walked for a very long time, waiting to come up to a whole bunch of flowers and fountains - you know, garden stuff. After a long time of looking for it, Kendra proposed that it might have a magical entrance that requires us to hop two steps forward, one back, hop on your right foot two times and touch your nose. After that didn't work, Karin clicked her heals together three times and there was still no gardens. We came up to a park map and realized that the entire huge park we had been walking in for the last hour or so was the English Gardens. No flowers and fountains, just a large, green park.

That night we jumped on a night train to Paris :) We were nervous about who we would have to share a small train room packed with six bunk beds. It turns out, our roommates were a couple from just outside Salt Lake City! They were a really nice couple with three children at home. They were staying in Munich and taking a day trip to Paris. After our four days in Paris, we are not sure how they could have done much of anything in just one, but we hope they had fun.

When we first got to our hostel, we started looking at the information our hostel provided and planning our days in Paris when Karin's friend Verne and his two travel mates showed up. They were on their way to the catacombs so we joined them. That was such a good idea! The catacombs are filled with bones of people that used to live in Paris and the bones have been put into artistic designs. It was pretty creepy, especially when water started dripping from the ceiling - Kendra was convinced it was bone juices. Kendra and Shonoy (Vernes friend) had a skull touching contest. It went on for a while, but neither of them were creeped out enough to let go, so it was a draw.

Later that day we picked up our Paris groupie (Kendra's friend Whitney). She was able to hang out with us for the next three days! We finished planning our days in Europe and then, as most of you are aware via facebook, we went out that night with Verne, Dani, Shonoy, Whitney, Evan, Holly and us. A huge Seattle group, out on the town of Paris. We had a lot of fun!

We will update on the next three days later - new pictures are available from Salzburg and the Castle Day in Germany.

1 comment:

  1. It was great to talk to you this morning!!!! Have fun in Venice.
    MOM and DAD
